Printable Fitness Planner Template | Achieve Health Goals

There is a very famous saying, “Health is the real wealth” and it’s absolutely true. Every person should take care of their health in order to live a good life. Staying healthy or fit takes efforts and consistency. Involve healthy eating habits and exercise in your daily routine. To help you in the journey of fitness, here we have shared a printable fitness planner template that will help you to plan exercise routine, meals planning, etc.

We all are busy in our day to day life whether it’s academic work, office work, household work, any personal work, etc. Taking time for exercise is always a task and even though if we get time then we often don’t have the motivation to exercise. In this post, we’re introducing “Fitness Planner” that will help you allocate proper time to fitness and keeps you motivated as well.

What Is a Fitness Planner?

A fitness planner is a document that is designed to help people plan, execute, manage, and track their fitness journey. If you are into fitness or just starting out then make sure to use a fitness planner to stay organized. A fitness planner can be used for:

  • Setting fitness goals
  • schedule workouts
  • plan for meals
  • keep a track of progress
  • stay motivated

First, you need to have a clear fitness goals i.e. losing weight, build muscle, gain weight, improve strength, improve flexibility, etc. A fitness planner is prepared in a structured manner as per your fitness goals and it helps you to stay on track.

Printable Fitness Planner Template

Printable Fitness Planner Template

There are a lot of things that can be planned and tracker using this planner, let’s understand them one by one:

  • Date: Start by writing the date
  • Water Intake: You can track down your water intake. Make sure to be hydrated throughout the day.
  • Calorie Intake: You can write down calorie intake for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. It’s essential to have an idea of how much calorie you’re consuming in a day.
  • Exercise: You can plan your workouts here. Mention the name of exercise, time or each exercise, and the number of reps. By recording your workouts you can track your progress over a period of time.
  • Weight, Pulse, and Health: Record you weight and pulse. Make sure to keep a check on the health parameters.
  • Goals: Write down your fitness goals here, make sure to have clear and actionable fitness goals.

Set Fitness Goals & Stay Motivated Using a Planner

There are many hurdles that may come in a fitness journey, you need to conquer those to keep moving forward. The two major hurdles that we often find very difficult to tackle are “finding time for fitness” and to “stay motivated”. The lack of motivation is what I used to feel, exercising daily or eating healthy daily is not an easy task for many of use, it requires self discipline to keep on the journey of fitness and this is why we have shared fitness planners here.

There are numerous benefits of using a fitness planner and some of the them listed below:

Set Fitness Goals

Make sure to have very clear and actionable goals. You feel motivated once you have clear fitness goals. Prepare your fitness planner in accordance with your goals.

Track Progress

You will more accountable once you start tracking progress. A sense of responsibility comes once you have a proper track of your daily or weekly fitness activities. You will be less likely to skip workouts or meals once you start tracking your progress.


Improvement, achievements, and good results are some of the indicators that keeps you motivated. Use a fitness planner to set small milestones for yourself and celebrate after accomplishing them. You will automatically feel motivated once the improvement is there.

Make exercise and eating healthy a habit for yourself. Self discipline does not come in a day or week, you have to consistently work on yourself and keep on correcting mistakes to becomes a better version of yourself.

Improve your Nutrition by Meals Planning

Fitness is not all about what you do in the gym, it’s also about what you do in the kitchen. There is another famous saying, “30% of body is made in the gym and 70% is made in the kitchen“. You are what you eat, ensure to eat healthy in order to stay fit.

Every person must understand the importance of meals planning in order to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

We all are busy in our lives so it’s better to plan meals in advance to save time and reduce stress. You must take a control of your diet, make sure there are enough nutrients in your diet as per your health goals.

Refrain from eating any type of unhealthy, processed foods, etc. Prepare meals that include the right balance of proteins, carbohydrates, healthy fats, and vitamins. Meal planning is a part of fitness journey so make sure to take some time out and plan your meals.

Here is a meal planner to help you planning meals in an efficient manner:

Use this planner to plan and track meals for the entire week. Generally, there are four important meals you take in a day i.e. breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. There are sections to plan all these four meals for each day of the week i.e. from Monday to Sunday.

Spend some time in preparing this planner. Make sure each meal has enough nutrition that you body needs as per your fitness goals.

Final Thoughts

A fitness planner is one of the most important tools that will help you stay organized and motivated on your fitness journey. If you are into fitness or just starting out then make sure to use a fitness planner to see how well it works for you. It’s important to track workouts, plan meals and monitor progress because this data will help you to make informed fitness decisions. Fitness is a long journey, there is no end to it so make it a habit.

Different type of fitness planners are already shared in this post. You can choose to download any planner and take the first step toward a healthier, happier you!

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